A cornerstone element of a successful brand is the ability to connect with the consumer simply, consistently, and in a meaningful fashion. This sounds a lot easier than done. FujeStudio has been recognized as an award winning creative advertising agency because of our dedication to getting the best creative product for our clients. Most people can identify good creative because it is funny, emotional, smart or just captures their attention in a unique way.  

The truth is that great creative is based on a strong strategic foundation. At FujeStudio, we utilize quantitative data tools along with qualitative consumer perceptions to develop an overarching creative direction for a brand. Our FujeStudio Creative Strategy Brief has been finely honed over 30 years to deliver a behavior changing message to prospective consumers of every creative project we build. 

With such a long history, we have developed almost every kind of creative there is from international television spots to banners that fly behind planes. Here is a partial list of the most commonly requested creative projects we produce:

National television advertising spots
Local or spot market television
National and local radio
Social media ads
Social media posts
Social media video production
National and local radio
Search advertising
Display advertising
Trade show booths
Website design
Branding Identity

Professional product photography
Logo Design
Point of Purchase
Shopper marketing
Aerial banners
Direct Mail
Free Standing Inserts (FSI’s)
Package Design
Event and Experiential Design
Brand Guidelines
On Premise Advertising